The Western Ghats, a mountain range along India’s western coast, is a biodiversity hotspot
stretching 1600 km from Satpura Range to Kanyakumari. This UNESCO World Heritage Site
houses diverse ecosystems and a third of India’s animal species, including endemic and
globally threatened species. In this article, we will delve into the wildlife of the Western
Ghats Escarpment and the unique conservation challenges faced by each species.
Asian Elephant
The Asian Elephant is a keystone species in the Western Ghats, playing a crucial role in
shaping the forest ecosystem. Around 30% of the world’s Asian elephants call the Western
Ghats home, making it possibly the largest single group of these magnificent creatures
anywhere. These gentle giants are known for their intelligence, social behavior, and
importance in maintaining the biodiversity of the region. With its large size and iconic tusks,
this gentle giant roams the lush habitats of the region. However, human-wildlife conflict,
poaching, and habitat loss pose serious threats to the Asian Elephant population.
Conservation efforts focus on mitigating human-elephant conflict and protecting their natural
Nilgiri Tahr
The Nilgiri Tahr is a rare and endangered mountain goat species endemic to the Western
Ghats. With its distinctive curved horns and shaggy coat, it is a symbol of this region’s
biodiversity. Due to habitat loss and poaching, the Nilgiri Tahr population has significantly
declined in recent years. Conservation efforts are underway to protect this iconic species and
its natural habitat.
Indian Gaur
The Indian Gaur, also known as the Indian Bison, is the largest bovine species in South Asia.
These majestic creatures are a common sight in the dense forests of the Western Ghats, where
they graze on lush vegetation. However, human-wildlife conflict and habitat fragmentation
pose serious threats to the Indian Gaur population. Conservation measures such as protected
areas and wildlife corridors are essential for their survival.
Lion-Tailed Macaque
The Lion-Tailed Macaque is one of the most endangered primate species in the Western
Ghats. With its striking mane-like hair and distinctive tail, this monkey species is highly
sought after by poachers and illegal wildlife trade. Habitat destruction and deforestation
further endanger the Lion-Tailed Macaque population, making conservation efforts crucial to
prevent their extinction.

Dholes, also known as Indian wild dogs, are highly social predators that can be found in the
Western Ghats. These endangered canids play a vital role in maintaining the balance of the
ecosystem by preying on smaller mammals. Their distinctive pack behavior and hunting
strategies make them a fascinating species to observe in the wild.
The gaur, or Indian bison, is the largest bovine species in the world and can be found in the
Western Ghats. These majestic herbivores play a crucial role in shaping the vegetation of the
region through their grazing habits. However, habitat loss and human-wildlife conflict pose
significant threats to their populations in the area.
Small Carnivores
The Western Ghats is also home to a variety of small carnivores, including brown palm
civets, stripe-necked mongooses, Indian brown mongooses, small Indian civets, and leopard
cats. These lesser-known species play important roles in maintaining the balance of the
ecosystem by controlling populations of prey species and contributing to the biodiversity of
the region.
Nilgiri Marten
The Nilgiri Marten is a rare and elusive carnivore found in the dense forests of the Western
Ghats. With its sleek body and sharp claws, this agile predator preys on small mammals and
birds. However, habitat loss and roadkills pose significant threats to the Nilgiri Marten

population. Conservation initiatives aim to protect their natural habitat and mitigate human-
induced threats.

Indian Spotted Chevrotain
The Indian Spotted Chevrotain, also known as the Indian Mouse Deer, is a small and shy
ungulate species found in the Western Ghats. With its tiny stature and distinctive spotted
coat, this elusive creature is often overlooked in the dense undergrowth. Illegal hunting and
habitat degradation threaten the Indian Spotted Chevrotain population, emphasizing the
importance of conservation measures.
Wild Tigers
The Western Ghats is also home to around 18% of the world’s wild tiger population. These
elusive predators are apex predators in their habitat and play a vital role in regulating the
population of other species. The Western Ghats provides them with a diverse range of prey
species and dense forest cover, contributing to their survival in the region.
Nilgiri Langur

The Nilgiri Langur is a leaf-eating monkey species endemic to the Western Ghats. With its
distinctive gray fur and long tail, this primate species is a key indicator of the region’s
biodiversity. However, habitat fragmentation and deforestation threaten the Nilgiri Langur
population, highlighting the need for conservation strategies to safeguard their future.
Leopards are another iconic species that roam the forests of the Western Ghats. These elusive
cats are skilled hunters and have adapted to a wide range of habitats within the escarpment.
However, they face threats such as poaching and habitat destruction, which are putting
pressure on their populations in the region.

In conclusion, the Western Ghats Escarpment is a treasure trove of biodiversity, with a
diverse array of animals making it their home. From the iconic Asian elephants to the elusive
leopard cats, every species plays a vital role in the delicate balance of this ecosystem. By
exploring the wildlife of the Western Ghats, travellers can gain a deeper appreciation for the
natural world and the importance of conservation efforts in protecting these majestic
creatures. So, why wait? Embark on an unforgettable wildlife adventure in the Western Ghats
Escarpment today!

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